Friday, November 21, 2008

The beginning of the end of the Iraq Occupation

An Agreement between the Republic of Iraq and the United States of America regarding the Withdrawal of the American Forces from Iraq and Regulating their Activities During their Temporary Presence in it

The United States of America and the Republic of Iraq - which will hereafter be referred to as the two parties - recognize the importance of strengthening their joint security and participating in global peace and stability, fighting terrorism in Iraq and cooperating in the fields of security and defense to deter aggression and threats directed towards the sovereignty and unity of Iraq and its constitutional, federal, democratic system;
They hereby confirm that this cooperation is built upon the basis of mutual respect for each other's full sovereignty and according to the objectives and principles of the UN mandate;
And according to the wish of both parties to reach a mutual understanding to enhance cooperation between them;
Without encroaching upon the sovereignty of Iraq, upon its soil, water or airspace, and upon the basis of being two independent, equal states of sovereignty, have agreed to the following:

Article One
Scope and Purpose

SNIP Read The Rest Here: The Iraq and US Agreement

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