Saturday, October 6, 2007

Veterans Disability Benefits Commission

The long awaited report was released this week, and I was pleasantly surprised by their recommendations, all in all it was a far better proposal than I had imagined. Bak when the commission was set up Republicans got to appoint 10 members and Democrats were allowed to appoint 5, it appeared to be a stacked deck the way Congressman Steve Buyer then House VA Chairman wanted.

However the report endorses the fact that regardless of where or how a military member gets injured or gets a medical condition while in service it should continue to be service connected due to the fact that military members are on duty 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year while they serve. Medical problems caused by training are just as severe as combat caused injuries.

They call for an immediate raise in compensation up to 25% (I think that will happen, when pigs start flying) does this mean we are now being under compensated?

The VA Watchdog has numerous articles about the report here it is 562 pages long and takes a few minutes to open, even on a cable connection.

Well worth the read, however the suggestions made about PTSD reviews for TDIU veterans will cause a lot of heart burn within the veteran community. But the report is a much better piece of work than I had anticipated. I SALUTE their product.

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