Monday, November 26, 2007

Karl Rove blames Congress for Iraq War

With a big hat tip to TxSharon for her e mail sending me this link to her blog which has a link to Texas Blue which has the you tube clip of Charlie Rose interviewing Karl(Turdblossom)Rove only someone from Texas could think a turd like this would even float, I bet Texas wishes Rove would move somewhere else, he is embarassing to all the bulls in Texas.......

watch this inane piece of historical rewrite if you can stomach it

It is a truly astounding argument and it is divorced from reality in such a way that is almost majestic in just the scope of the willful ignorance on display. What did Congress have to vote on, if not an approval of the war Bush had been rattling sabers for? What president in history has enjoyed the legislative energy Bush did in the 107th Congress, other than Bush with the unified GOP-led 108th and 109th? The idea that the Bush administration was ever forced or coerced to do something it would rather not have during the run up to the Iraq War is patently and utterly ludicrous.

Oh, and PS: During that 107th Congress, the Senate was controlled by Democrats. So don't be surprised if Karl starts trying to shape some message for blaming the Iraq War debacle on the Democratic Senate that year.

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