Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hundreds backing compensation claim against Ministry of Defence

An Aberdeen naval veteran, who took part in atomic bomb testing over 50 years ago, has joined a multi-million pound action against the Ministry of Defence.

Seventy-one-year-old George McKechnie, who now suffers from skin cancer, is one of hundreds of ex-British service men behind one of the country's biggest compensation claims.

He believes the nuclear bomb tested on Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean in 1957 caused the cancer on his back, face and arms.

He said: "The way I look at it is I was used as a guinea pig. Now why can't the government just come out and be honest about it and say we were?
George McKechnie

"At the time we had our back to the bomb. The most bits that was protected on my own body was my legs because we were bent over like that. So I think to myself why is there nothing on my legs. If it was sunbathing you are out in a swimming costume and you get the same sun on your legs as on your face and your back which ever way you are lying. So why is there nothing on my legs?"

Hundreds backing compensation claim against Ministry of Defence

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