Friday, June 20, 2008

Almost 10,000 Vermont Veterans and Retirees Due Stimulus Checks

Almost 10,000 Vermont Veterans and Retirees Due Stimulus Checks - If They File -- 06/20/2008

BURLINGTON, June 20 – Almost 10,000 Vermont retirees and disabled veterans may qualify for an economic stimulus check but have not yet claimed it.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today urged veterans and retirees to claim the stimulus payment and his office offered to help people with questions about filling out the paperwork.

“It’s not too late to file,” Sanders said. “In today’s economy, many of our people could use this extra money. Further, putting money in the hands of people who are truly in need will help the economy overall.”

In Vermont, 38,982 people who receive Social Security and veterans on disability benefits were eligible for stimulus checks, according to the Internal Revenue Service, but 9,749 of those Vermonters have failed to file for the rebates.

The rebate checks would total $300 for individuals and $600 for married couples.

Overall, the Internal Revenue Service has issued 76.5 million payments worth $63.8 billion as part of the economic stimulus package that Congress passed last February. For many of them, the IRS sent rebate checks automatically. By the end of the year, the IRS expects to issue 124 million stimulus payments.

Nationwide, about 5.2 million seniors and veterans are owed rebates but haven’t filed for them.

Many of the 20 million seniors on Social Security and 250,000 veterans living on disability benefits do not ordinarily owe income taxes and do not have to file tax returns.

To qualify for the stimulus checks, however, those individuals must fill out an IRS Form 1040A by October 15.

The IRS Web site has forms and more information here.

If people need additional help, they may call the senator’s office from Vermont at 1 (800) 339-9834.


This was put out today by Senator Sanders, I imagine it applies to all states and their veterans also, many have not filed for whatever reasons, but they are entitled to.

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