Monday, October 15, 2007

Time 'to give a damn' about vets' mental health - ex-gen.

In a blistering article in the New York Daily News Marine Corp Major General (retired) James Livingston, who wears the Medal of Honor from Vietnam. He led a company of men as a Captain, in battle was wounded three times in the attack and counter attack and was one of only 38 survivors. In my opinion he earned the "Medal".

Retired Army Lt. Gen. James Terry Scott, chairman of the commission, said the current system "is so complicated that it's a wonder anyone can get a claim processed."

Another problem the commission uncovered, Scott said, was that "the VA really didn't know as much as they needed to know about PTSD."

The VA system is overloaded. Waiting periods for appointments at VA regional centers now average 177 days. At Veterans Benefits Administration offices, which assign disability ratings, the waits stretch to more than two years.

But they were told that money was tight for what they proposed. "We must deal with funding issues," insisted Rep. Stephen Buyer (R-Ind.).

Livingston said the money must be found, the PTSD programs must be funded, or the nation will risk decimating the all-volunteer force.

"People have to know they're going to be taken care of," Livingston said, or "moms and pops are not going to allow their kids to join the military."

The emphasis is mine as I whole heartedly agree with it, I have a Desert Storm son as he was born nine months after I returned from that short war. He will soon be old enough to enlist, and I will encourage him to go to college and get his degree and then if he still chooses to enlist, he can do it as an Officer, the first in a family that can trace it's Army service to Valley Forge and other Revolutionary War battles. The Civil War, and my own fathers service in D Troop the 7th Calvary from 1914-1916. It brings a great pride to me to know my families military history, it matches some of the great moments in the Army history and some if it's most storied units.

My own military career took me to the 9th Infantry Division twice, the 2nd Infantry Division on the DMZ in Korea, the 3rd Infantry Division in Germany and the 24th Infantry Division in the Gulf War.

My favorite quotes from General Livingston are here:
"I always thought after Dai Do it would've been good if we could've sat down and talked about it," Livingston said.

"But in those days it was all macho," he said. "You didn't want to admit anything. If you did, you were a battlefield wimp. Well, been there, done that.

"I'd like to think we're a lot more mature in our thinking. Bottom line, somebody's got to give a damn."

This man has got it right, it is time for someone to "Give a damn"

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