Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Why I Joined Veterans for Hillary

I have been a member of General Wesley Clark's WESPAC for a few years now, I have known Wes Clark since he was a Colonel at NTC Fort Irwin back in the 80s and then served under him again at Fort Irwin during Desert Storm during the largest troop rotation in NTC history. A full mechanized Corp Task Force, instead of the normal Brigade size element. I have admired his leadership for half of my life, he earned my respect the old fashioned way, by his actions and his work ethics and how he led his men under his command.

He has decided not to run again for President and has thrown his support to Hillary Rodham Clinton as the best choice to lead America into the future after the mess the past Presidency has left us. He also trusts her to care for America's veterans and keeping the "Promise" made to them when they enlisted to serve. To correct the msitakes of the past 20 plus years of Republican leadership or rather "lack of leadership" in helping America's wounded soldiers and the nations disabled veterans.

I expect that the Hillary Clinton administration and the new Democratic Congress, the expanded majority in the House and the Senate in January 2009, to make major overhauls into the Vterans Administration. I am listening to the Senate VA Committee Hearings on the Dole/Shalala Commission now as I type this, I fully expect a President Clinton to endorse and ask our Congress to fund the necessary changes, if this nation can afford wars, then it must properly care for this nations veterans and specifically the disabled veterans of all our our wars and military service.

If you care to join me in supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton please go to this link and donate whatever you can from a one time gift of 10 dollars or more if you can afford it, some of us disabled veterans have plenty of time to help work the campaign we just don't have enough funds to make large donations from our small monthly compensation checks Donate to Hillary Rodham Clinton for President I have joined the Veterans for Hillary Group at her campaign Hillary

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1 comment:

Pam said...

If more veterans would take the time to read Hillary's platform on support for the military, veterans and their families, more would be compelled to support her in her bid for the US Presidency. Through my work, both as a civilian and in the Army Reserve, I've seen Hillary's dedication to defense and national security.