Monday, November 19, 2007

Letter from Colonel Dan on CNN story

Vets... go this CNN website...

Tell them to look at the Keith Roberts story, tell them your story..

Thank you CNN for the story... But you only scratched the surface. Story at:

Ref your story on Wounded warriors face home-front battle with VA.

This is the tip of the iceburg. Thanks you for helping to expose the VA system, Chicago VARO is one of the worst. This has been going on after every war. Research Chicago VARO. A real travesty. Follow up with a story on Keith Roberts, In the PTSD case of U.S. Navy Airman Keith Roberts (1968–71) the U.S. Dept of Justice in the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, Stephen Biskupic, decided to indict a Wisconsin Vietnam-era Navy veteran (who was diagnosed with PTSD by at least five different mental health professionals), using the power of his office to convict and jail the vet on trumped-up charges of wire fraud in 2004-2005. Pushed by a VA OIG in Chicago... who is this OIG, look at him and other of his cases. He shold be lookng at the VA system, not the vets trying to use it.

Wounded warriors face home-front battle with VA
Story Highlights
Ty Ziegel lost an arm, part of his skull when he was attacked in Iraq

VA initially rated his brain injury at 0%, meaning he got no compensation for it

Another vet: VA rejected his claim, saying his wounds were "not service connected"

Ziegel: "I want to make the VA system better"

How this ties into other Vets, such as Keith Robert's.

Vets... go this CNN website...

Tell them to look at the Keith Roberts story, tell them your story..

to the veterans and widows of veterans I agree with Colonel Dan flood the CNN site with your personal stories of how the VA has dealt with you and your family, the good, the bad and the ugly......

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