Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Senator Clintons Thanksgiving Thoughts for the Troops

Senator Clinton’s Thanksgiving Day Message to Our Troops:

Thinking of our Troops on Thanksgiving

“Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends. Our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the globe help make our Thanksgiving possible. When I gather around the table with my family, we will give thanks for the troops who honor our nation with their service. We remember them on this day when they are so far away from family and loved ones, and we keep them in our thoughts and prayers. The service of those in our armed forces reminds me of our larger mission as a nation -- to build a "more perfect union" worthy of their sacrifice and striving to be a just and free nation for all people. This Thanksgiving, let us all celebrate, honor, and give thanks for the members of our armed services. I join with their families and friends praying for their safety and for a peace that will soon bring them home.”

Hillary Clintons Veterans Link

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