Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Why wouldn't the VA help disabled vets get tax breaks?

Federal VA Now Says it Will Automatically Send Letters to Disabled Vets

Last week, it was announced that the federal VA would no longer automatically send out documents to disabled veterans, proving their disability.

But Connecticut veterans need those documents, to qualify for a property tax break. So now, the federal VA now has told state officials it WILL send out the documents to all disabled veterans in the state.

Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs Deputy Commissioner John Wiltse (-- WILT-see --) says his office got about 6-hundred calls on the issue.

Wiltse says about half of those calls were from disabled veterans who did not know they could receive a property tax break above the benefit given to all veterans.

The governor's office had asked the federal department of Veterans Affairs to remedy the problem.

About 22,000 letters are expected to be in the mail within three weeks.

Disabled veterans who want to receive a letter sooner from the VA Hartford Regional Office can still request those letters by calling the state’s Veterans Information hot line at 866-928-8387 or by visiting a nearby veterans office.

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