Saturday, May 9, 2009

Brother can you spare a ten?

I know some of you are in dire straits, especially in these economic times. But some of you have appeared on Stardust Radio in one of their shows, others listen, some call in.

Others addressed here are the recipients of the help of people who have never asked for a dime for what they do, and this will not be one of these times. If you have received my help, I ask, if you can, to send a check or whatever you can afford to:

Stardust Radio
PO Box 102
Riverside, Iowa 52327

If you can't donate and you have a website for veterans or the military, please publish this letter there.

Why you may ask? Well here is why. Just so you understand, Jeff and Linda Showalter have been paying several hundred dollars (almost a thousand) every month for years to cover the phone lines and equipment to keep the station on the air. The 800 line was intended for quick calls for people to ask a question and then get off. But people have been staying on the line for 30, 40 minutes, an hour and longer and it has been very expensive. And the shows are not paying for the calls, so Jeff has to pay it. There are two base fees for the line every month and a charge of 24 cents per minute.

Judi Burns from Stardust just did a fantastic interview with a group of four K-9 at Manas Air Base. Two on patrols, the kennel master and the civilian trainer who had to get out and sign on with a contractor to stay on with K-9's. She talks to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan weekly, as well as those who support them.

The website costs money, the archive site costs money - it all costs money and they are trying to keep it going. Chat Star costs time and maintenance. They are constantly working on something for Stardust. He does not get much support or thanks from those of us who receive free air time with production and technician fees waived. A recent article in some local papers did bring him a few notes of thanks and he was amazed. He should hear it from us, too.

Again, please, please support this worthy cause.

Thank you and god bless you all,

Kurt Priessman, MSgt, USAF (Ret)
Vet Advocate, The Bottom Line, HELPPP, K-9


Stardust radio has great veteran programming and Congressman Filner Chairman of the House VA Committee is a frequent guest, it is an asset we will all miss, if it has to go away, all donations are appreciated.

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