Monday, June 8, 2009

Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act

Hearing Request Submitted

to the

House Armed Services Committee - Military Personnel Subcommittee

A letter request for a hearing to examine the Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act (USFSPA) was delivered to the HASC Chairwoman Susan Davis on June 4, 2009. It was signed by Congressman Joe Wilson (SC) and co-signed by Congressman Walter Jones (NC).

Coming from the Ranking Member of the Military Personnel Subcommittee, Rep. Joe Wilson, it is probable that the request will be granted. Key to this effort has not only been the Congressman's personal concern for military veterans but the emphasis and direction provided by the Watts Consultant Group and our ULSG Washington team. Without this collaboration between Trish Pownall and Doug Thomas, and personal involvement by J.C. Watts, such a direct request letter to the Chairwoman by the Ranking Member would have been very difficult to accomplish.

When granted, it is hard to predict a date the hearing will be scheduled. However, we are informed it will be sooner rather than later. With normally two or three hearings each week, we believe it will be scheduled before the summer recess, August 1. Hearings are held only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and we can expect roughly two weeks notice once the date is announced.

Coinciding with this letter delivery to the HASC is another written request for a hearing submitted to Rep Susan Davis from the National Military and Veterans Alliance (NMVA) on May 27, 2009. This letter was signed by Co-Directors Deirdre M. Parke-Holloman and Richard A Jones. The powerful NMVA represents 31 veterans groups nationwide.

Timing of ULSG efforts for USFSPA repeal in 2009 remains critical and optimal! Our members should continue corresponding with their elected officials in D.C. emphasizing the unfairness and impact of the USFSPA and calling for its repeal. Particularly write to members of the Military Personnel Subcommittee who are your elected officials.


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