Thursday, November 8, 2007

A California Congressman claims veterans committ FRAUD

IN my opionion it is time for Congressman Campbell R of CA-48 here is a You tube response from the democratic candidate Steve Young and comments made by veterans that are endorsing Steven's bid to unseat the veteran hating Congressman from California

I want to reach every veteran in the country to let them know how John Campbell [R, Ca-48] feels about veterans. Three veterans heard Campbell’s “macaca” statement. I made a commercial to tell the truth, and to demand that Campbell apologize to veterans.

$25 buys 30 seconds on cable to show this commercial in the District. How many times would you like to see this commercial play? Fill in the box (at the top) in $25 increments and hit the “contribute” button to tell George Bush and John Campbell, “It’s time to stop posing in front of soldiers, and start standing behind our veterans.”

Look at my website at

Do you want to know why I am so committed to the veterans and their benefits? I took the time to put it on tape so you can hear it from the horse’s mouth:

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1 comment:

steve said...

I am Steve Young. Veterans matter to me. Want to know why? Here's a link to a 2 minute video that tells my "veterans" story
[My Story]
I please forward the commercial to every veteran you know. $25 pays to show the commercial one time in my district. Please contribute at [Contribute here]
Steve Young
"I'm not one of them!"