Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mental Health help for veterans spouses and other family members

A group of approximately 700 mental health professionals have started a group to do pro bono counseling (free) to the families who are not covered under DOD regulations, National Guard or discharged veterans Washington Post

Now a new nonprofit group called Give an Hour, launched by Washington area clinical psychologist Barbara V. Romberg, is providing free counseling for soldiers and their families, as well as their unmarried partners. More than 720 licensed psychologists, social workers and other counselors from 40 states and the District have volunteered to donate an hour a week of therapy time for a minimum of one year to those affected by the twin conflicts.

So far about 50 clients, including one soldier on active duty in Iraq, have contacted the program to find a therapist -- a trickle Romberg hopes will turn into a steady stream as word of the program spreads.

The pro bono effort is underwritten by several grants, including one from the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, a nonprofit group based in Ossining, N.Y., that assists severely wounded soldiers. Romberg's group also has forged partnerships with several military family organizations, including the Silver Star Families of America and the Washington-based Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, or TAPS, which aids relatives of those who die while on duty.

Please spread the word thru the veteran community it may help someone you know

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