Sunday, November 4, 2007

Senator Akaka stands up for ALL veterans

In todays VA is a link to the Washington Post editorial written by the Senator. He expands on my feelins that the Dole/Shalala Commission is not the full answer to the problems of the veterans, that more attention needs to be paid to LTG Scott's Veterans Disability Benefits Commission (VDBC) which released 113 recommendations which were investigated over a two and half year period and not the 4 months put into the Dole/Shalala Committee. The men and women of the VDBC held 28 public hearings across the nation, got input from the IOM, the VA and veterans groups, this report was not a rush to judgement, it is a well thought out response to over 50 years of problems that have plagued America's Veterans and their families. I encourage all to write their elected officials and push for them to at least read the 113 recommendationa, see which report makes the best solutions for the veterans, and not the think tanks, I am sorry anything that the AEI is encouraging has to make me say NO, oh hell no, they tink with tax dollars and the bottom line, not what is owed to this nations veterans. They could care less about the "Promise" and for us disabled vets, the "Promise" is all we have.

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