Tuesday, January 20, 2009

From Colonel Dan

No weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq, but forced anthrax vaccinations are back anyway

Meryl Nass, M.D.

January 20, 2007

The bad news is that the Pentagon has begun giving mandatory anthrax vaccinations to soldiers, despite the lack of a formal announcement.

In late October 2006, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, William Winkenwerder, M.D. ( http://www.ha.osd.mil/ha/winkenwerder-bio.cfm ), announced that the mandatory anthrax vaccine program was to be reinstated in about two months, after new policies were issued. Although the policies are still pending, perhaps due to the fact that a new Secretary of Defense began his tenure after the announcement was made, the military has begun widespread vaccinations, often during boot camp. Previously, vaccinations were generally given to soldiers right before deploying, when they were more seasoned.

One may surmise that vaccinating soldiers with a controversial and dangerous vaccine as soon as they begin active duty was carefully calculated: the new recruits won't have the opportunity to learn about all the problems associated with this vaccine in advance of their inoculations. By making no formal announcement of the resumption of vaccinations, the Defense Department forestalled public discussion of the program in the media, which would likely lead to undesirable publicity, when the military is already enmeshed in a very unpopular war and trying hard to "look good."

Here are the facts about the vaccine:

1. FDA only approved the vaccine manufacturing plant in January 2002 under pressure from the administration, as a result of 9/11. The renovated plant was still not able to produce sterile vaccine! The compromise led to all vaccine batches being trucked to Washington State, to be bottled by another company with cleaner procedures.

2. The recipe and method for making vaccine did not change since 1998, according to the manufacturer's testimony to the Institute of Medicine in 2001. Thus there is no reason to think this version of the vaccine is any better than the old version.

3. Unfortunately, I am still contacted several times a week by soldiers who received post-renovation anthrax vaccine, but became sick with the same illnesses that were caused by older vaccine lots. Although some lots of vaccine may be worse than others, please do not assume that any lots are completely safe. The vaccine component(s) causing the illnesses remains unknown.

4. Many studies of Gulf War veterans suggest anthrax vaccine caused or contributed to chronic illness in those veterans. The only studies that claim the vaccine is safe were performed by the Defense Department. Most of those studies were supervised by the same individual, Colonel John Grabenstein, who was the director of the military's vaccine program. Colonel Grabenstein claimed that NO chronic illnesses resulted from anthrax vaccine. Yet on the anthrax vaccine package insert, FDA explains why those military studies had serious problems and cannot be relied upon.

5. Anthrax vaccine reactions are unfortunately very common. Most soldiers who have been in the military for long know several people who became ill and/or disabled shortly after receiving anthrax inoculations. I estimate that 10% – 30% of all soldiers who have been vaccinated have developed some medical problem as a result. Some are minor, some severe. Many airmen have lost the ability to continue flying (DNIF).

6. The most common side effects are new pains in muscles and joints. Short-term memory loss and periods of confusion are also common. Fatigue and problems sleeping usually accompany these symptoms. Some people develop inflammatory bowel disease, with severe, sometimes bloody diarrhea. Some develop other autoimmune disorders, like lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, and reactive arthritis. Rashes are common. There have been many cases of low testosterone. Thyroid disorders appear commonly.

You can download vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) reports since 1998 from the FDA website to see what kinds of medical problems were experienced following anthrax inoculations, according to the nearly 5,000 soldiers who have reported them to FDA.

You can read about a study of the anthrax vaccine VAERS reports by independent researchers Mark and David Geier at:


7. Sometimes other vaccinations bring on recurrent symptoms. Sometimes odors begin to trigger symptoms. Some people improve over time; some stay the same; some worsen. A few have died. There is a suspicion that thyroid cancer may be caused by the vaccine, and breast or cervical cancers in females. Military statistics from the Defense Medical Surveillance System Database indicate many more hospitalizations for those problems after anthrax vaccination, compared to before vaccination. See the military's own statistics at: http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10310&page=246

What can soldiers do when faced with the anthrax vaccine? It seems we are in a legal gray area now. Personally, I would ask to be given informed consent. I would ask for a copy of the vaccine label to review, which can be found at: http://www.fda.gov/CBER/label/biopava0131022LB.pdf

No one has been court-martialed for refusal recently, and ASD Winkenwerder did not say what punishments might be used against vaccine refusers last October, when he announced the program was to be restarted.

You are welcome to contact the Military Biodefense Vaccine Project (http://www.military-biodefensevaccines.org/) and contact@military-biodefensevaccines.org for a discussion of your personal situation with a knowledgeable volunteer.

Meryl Nass, M.D.


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