Friday, January 16, 2009

It’s Official: Texas Doesn’t Get Bioterrorism Lab

It’s Official: Texas Doesn’t Get Bioterrorism Lab

TOPEKA, Kan. (January 16, 2009)--Kansas has been officially selected as the winner of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility.

The Department of Homeland Security's Directorate for Science and Technology published Friday its record of decision that confirmed a December decision to award the project to Kansas.

Sites in Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina and Texas were the other finalists.

The new facility replaces an aging federal lab at Plum Island, N.Y.

Scientists will be researching and developing new vaccines for deadly foreign animal and other biological threats.

Construction is expected to begin in 2010 at a site near Kansas State University in Manhattan.

The lab will cost at least $450 million in federal funds.

Officials in Texas are considering a legal challenge to the decision.


Leave it to Texas to threaten a lawsuit because they didn't win, where did they want to put it, on Galveston Island? If the feds change their minds and award it to Texas can they make them put it in ex President Bush's backyard?

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