Sunday, September 21, 2008

thoughts on the "new" veterans benefits Advisory Committee

Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 9:55 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Benefits Advisory Committee Membership IS Totally Unacceptable

Benefits Advisory Committee Membership IS Totally Unacceptable

To Congress:

These people have no idea of what it is to deal with Veterans Affairs. Some on this board have heard our complaints and recommendations to fix the claims process, benefit process, C & P issues over and over again, etc just as many members of congress have as well. I presented myself three times. Congressman Filner concluded in my presentation to him he had heard many of the issues before but no one had put it forth as straight forward and eloquently as I did. Yet, these commissions I presented to could care less about the facts and presented evidence of how VA and IOM were both not being truthful. Yet, it was all they could do to try and stop from yawning in our face with total indifference. These meetings discussed are nothing but Veterans Affairs shams and nothing results from them except a waste of the Veterans time thinking the government is trying to do something while these VA puppet pinheads get paid over $100,000 a year plus all their expenses in their expensive hotels and expensive meals. i.e a do nothing gravy train! Lining their own pockets at the expense of the dead…dying…and disabled Veterans and Widows stalling them to death. Obviously, these bureaucrats need it more in the millions per year.

When is congress going to put a stop to these committee mockeries of justice for the Veterans and Widows?

These committees have zero impact and more propaganda value for the Executive Branch than anything else. The result of their salaries and expenses is just that…a fat wallet for being a puppet. Nothing changes.

Veterans and Widows are the real experts as to what needs to be done and in many cases how it is to be done as to the most efficient way of doing it that has the most impact to the disabled Veteran in the fastest manner. In some cases even minimizing the rate of suicides as our Veterans realize how our government has turned their collective backs and are fighting a built in Veterans Adversarial Agency. No; these paid for bureaucrats will do none of this as they have not gone through the incompetence at VA or the directed biased process and philosophies within VA itself. Secretary Peake himself has a direct conflict of interest in doing anything to help us as his former company QTC is contracted for millions of dollars a year by VA. Congress gives the VA more money supposedly to help Veterans. What is the action? Let’s just form another committee to the tune of millions a year in compensation and travel expenses for our supporters who have supported the VA wrong spirited philosophies on behalf of the Excursive Branch to not only protect them and their dumb ass decisions made by Johnson, McNamara, and the DoD at the time. Much less let’s protect the chemical companies lord knows we need the lobby money.

“The committee consists of knowledgeable and experienced veterans, advocates and experts in areas such as disability claims adjudication, vocational rehabilitation, disability programs management, workers compensation, rehabilitative medicine and mental health research who will provide advice and counsel to the Secretary.”

No one on this committee is a Veterans Advocate much less an expert in claims adjudication, except the former head of the VA C & P, which is also a joke he is on this committee. What new can be possibly be gained by having members that for 30 years has done the same thing in VA philosophy, which includes rear ending the Veteran and Widow OVER AND OVER AND OVER to the point of Veteran or Widow’s suicide.

Those on this committee that as stated have expertise in health research do they also condone the research process of purposefully excluding the data found directly to a single herbicide or to a service geographical location to protect VA and our Government.,545151.shtml

For Justice sakes congress, if you are going to fund this garbage committee with taxpayer money then fund a similar committee by the “real experts”; the VA has been shafting on behalf of the Executive Branch and by even some of you for 60 plus years: The United States Veteran and Family.

It was just reported in the media the government says that 400,000 Vietnam Veterans are dying from Agent Orange associated disorders. Over eight times as many as the NVA and VC killed combined in a ten-year war and then denied by our own government.

What was not reported was how many have already died prior to this statistic or how many are now disabled and still not compensated or Service Connected for treatment. VA’s own study clearly demonstrates a found significance higher to those Vietnam Veterans that can no longer work; a higher statistical level than even some of our presumptive disorders. In fact, being unable to work or limited work was the highest odds ratio found associated to the dioxin, TCDD spraying. While maybe not dying in the cancer sense they are indeed disabled from work to some degree from toxic herbicides and denied service connection while they lose their homes. Not because they like some in the nation that were stupid and then getting bailed out by you.

Physical war wounds are normally associated with recovery and finality of recovery. Toxic war wounds while not necessarily visible, are much more sinister as they deal with cell maturations which includes sometimes over life maturation to a mortality disorder. In the meantime, there are many arrested maturations that can disable and even kill. All of it Service Connected.

Toxic chemical war wounds like dioxins are no different than physical war wounds that kill and will have a percentage ratio of wounded. If we have at present 400,000 dying from toxic chemical war wounds then how many are wounded with other variants. The normal I believe is a ratio of at least 4 wounded to 1 killed. How many are crippled up with neurological disorders, blood disorders, lung disorders, hepatic disorders, immune and endocrine disorders that leaves them unable to work or only work part time.

Then we have the 9/11 tragedies where our enemy killed less than 3,000 individuals with millions given in compensation at the drop of the hat. And all the reasons for it such as the loss of a father or the loss of a mother. What in the hell are our Veterans who signed up to give all…CHOPPED LIVER TO BE USED UP AS GOVERNMENT SEES FIT AND THEN ABANDON. Yet, for those that would have thrown themselves at the enemy given the chance to protect those less than 3,0000 our own government and VA treats these men and women if they were the damn enemy. Are we now the Governments enemy for telling the truth in these issues?

Why does congress not ask: And before you do make sure and tell VA that if they misrepresent the facts or lie or minimize the truth they will subject to criminal charges for violation of government integrity laws. Just as the Ranch Hand report right now should be subject to criminal charges for purposeful exclusion of found scientific/medical data that could have helped so many Veterans who are dying and not Service Connected because of the purposeful exclusions of found data. How much longer is Congress going to let this go on?

· How many of the 400,000 dying reported in the media are now drawing compensations or even Service Connection?

· How many had previously died of these associated disorders and were not drawing compensations while they were dying and had them Service Connected for treatment?

· How many Veterans with known AO damages that are not cancer in contention for association that are disabled and can no longer work and support themselves at an odds ratio of 1.67 and being treated like some kind of garbage by the Secretary of the VA Mr. Peake and the rest of the vile leadership within VA. Then bring in the IOM under oath with no VA there to protect them and find out exactly what they do every two years and have been doing since 1991 as another damn committee. Better yet let me do it since I no longer have confidence in our government to ask the appropriate questions used in denial of so many that have done so much for this nation.

Then we have our damaged offspring. How many children are being denied. Science states that if a toxic chemical is carcinogenic then it more than likely has mutagenic properties and visa versa. We know that dioxins are one of the most dangerous and perplexing toxic chemicals ever made by mankind with multiple impacts in all bodily systems. To even consider that the only birth defect result would be spina bifida is not only spurious it is totally insane, against the evidence to the contrary, as well as pretty damn dumb!
Then ask yourselves if we find a mortality cancer that is associated? Do we wait for two years to announce presumptions while thousands of Veterans die uncompensated, unsupported by Service Connection and widow’s fight for DIC to support themselves and minor children because of some mandated, “we only announce every two years.” How dumb is that except for hoping the Vet dies before the god like pronouncement from VA sitting on Mount Olympus? How many died due to this process uncompensated? HOW MANY!

The thing that really bothers and hurts Veterans is not the loss of love of their country that so many gave for--- that would never happen; but the loss of respect and nothing but disdain for those in government with few exceptions. That hurts and yet you continue to do little if anything to stop this federal agency and get that trust back of those that allow you to keep your jobs! Put a few folks in prison and see if that does not let VA know they indeed are not above the laws of our nation including government research integrity laws.

This committee is nothing but a sham and should not be worthy of any taxpayer’s money for funding.

Time Congress asked the real experts; Veterans, Widows, and minor offspring.





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