Thursday, September 25, 2008

Veteran Issue Did You serve in Guam? 1965-1975, AO Exposure letter

MSgt William R. Hill and Bernie Gaudrault (Air Force Veteran from Anderson AFB Guam), I will be very willing to prepare copies of those Airman Performance Reports which I have and will also give you sworn testimony to take with you to the VA however it matters not what I say or what I have done on Guam. It all comes down to the Veterans Affairs being instructed by Congress (House and Senate Veteran Affairs committee) on whether or not they can recognize the use of Agent Orange, Agent White and other herbicides on Anderson AFB Guam between 1965 and 1975 and also environmental contamination which are contaminated the sole source aquifier on Guam. AS YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE I AM ALSO DYING FROM AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE WITH MANY OF THE SAME AILMENTS THAT YOU HAVE. I am very ashamed of our government to turn their back on us that defended our nation for their liberty and freedom. I hope they will make things right immediately as far as granting Agent Orange exposure for anyone that was stationed on Anderson AFB Guam from 1965 to 1975 for the Vietnam War Era veterans. I know there are many many other issues because of this contamination on that beautiful island u.s. territory.


In a message dated 9/24/2008 6:34:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, W6stringer writes:
Hi MSgt Foster, I have written to you a couple of times and haven't gotten a reply. I hope things are ok with you. We had communicated a couple of times about Guam and AO exposure. I am waiting for BVA in St Petersburg, Fla. As stated earlier I was in Guam in 1968 and know I was exposed to the herbicide. I retired in Sept 1991 and was soon diagnosed with diabetis type II , hyertension, prurigo nodularis (skin disorder) and periphial neuropathy. I now suffer from heart disease and blind in my left eye.

The last email I had gotten from you said you could help me, well I really need your help. Your documents that you have concerning AO in Guam and a letter in regards to that is very much needed for my BVA claim. The VA is requesting letters from anyone that I can find.

Thank you for listening to me again and thank you for your Service to Our Country

William R. Hill MSgt, USAF Retired

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